how can you avoid getting a flat tire

How Can You Avoid Getting a Flat Tire?

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How Can You Avoid Getting a Flat Tire? There is nothing that derails your day quite like a flat tire. It's annoying, frustrating, and can be expensive to fix or replace. But what if there was a way to avoid getting a flat tire in the first…
emergency fuel delivery

What to Do If You Run Out of Gas and Need Emergency Fuel Delivery

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Is one of your biggest fears that you’ll be driving down the road and run out of gas? Do you know what to do if that situation should arise? While it can be scary to run out of gas, it isn’t the end of the world. It’s possible to get emergency…

The 5 Most Common Roadside Emergencies (and How to Prevent Them)

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32 million drivers experienced car breakdowns in 2015, the most recent year we have a quality statistic. What's interesting is the study found car breakdowns are happening more frequently every year. That's not surprising since cars on the…
jump start

Your Guide on How to Jump Start a Car

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Do you drive a car every day? If so, you're definitely not alone. In fact, cars are the primary source of transportation for getting around in the world. That's why a dead battery can be a major issue. When your battery is dead, you might…
Broken down

What to Do If Your Car Breaks Down on the Highway

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Breaking down on a busy highway can be one of the most stressful situations. Not only is your day incredibly inconvenienced, but it can also be dangerous. Although owning a new car may make you feel more confident, statistics show that drivers…