Dead Battery - #1 Reason for service call

#1 Service Call Reason: Dead Battery

The scorching temperatures of the Southwest can be harsh on both people and vehicles. One of the most affected components of your car during these extreme heat waves is the battery. At Dugger’s Road Rescue, we want to inform our community about how high temperatures can damage car batteries faster and what you can do to prevent it.

How Heat Affects Car Batteries

Heat accelerates the chemical reaction inside a car battery, which can lead to several problems:

  • Increased Evaporation: High temperatures cause the battery fluid to evaporate more quickly, leading to a decrease in performance.
  • Corrosion: Heat can accelerate corrosion within the battery, affecting its lifespan and efficiency.
  • Overcharging: The charging system can overcharge in hot conditions, further stressing the battery.

Warning Signs of a Failing Battery

Be on the lookout for these signs that may indicate your battery is struggling with the heat:

  • Slow Engine Crank: If your engine takes longer to start, it could be due to a weakened battery.
  • Battery Warning Light: This indicator on your dashboard is a clear sign of battery issues.
  • Swollen Battery Case: Excessive heat can cause the battery case to swell, indicating internal damage.

Tips to Protect Your Battery

To ensure your battery survives the summer heat, consider the following tips:

  1. Regular Inspections: Have your battery and charging system checked regularly, especially before the peak of summer.
  2. Park in Shade: Whenever possible, park your car in a shaded area to protect it from direct sunlight.
  3. Clean the Battery: Keep the battery terminals clean and free from corrosion.
  4. Limit Short Trips: Short trips prevent your battery from fully charging, so try to combine errands to keep the battery healthy.

Extreme heat can significantly shorten the lifespan of your car battery, but with proper care and attention, you can minimize the impact. At Dugger’s Road Rescue, we offer battery inspections and replacements to keep you on the road safely. Don’t let the southwest heat leave you stranded—contact us today for all your roadside assistance needs.