Change a tire - use a spare

How To Safely Change a Tire on the Side of the Road

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Do you know how to safely and properly change a tire? If not, you aren't alone. - and there's nothing to be embarrassed about. But, with millions of flats reported each year in the US alone, it's only a matter of time before you experience…
Flat tire - Can you put on a spare?

How To Safely Drive on a Spare Tire

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Spare Tire Did you know that 60% of people claim that they can't change a flat tire? Like it or not, we're all bound to have that unlucky day when we have to switch out a flat for a spare.  Whether you belong inside or outside that…
how long can you drive on a spare tire

How Long Can You Drive on a Spare Tire?

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Every motorist's worst nightmare is suddenly being stuck with a flat tire while mid-journey. Although it can be extremely irritating, replacing a flat tire immediately is of critical importance. Driving with a flat tire can cause a huge number…
Mobile Car Battery Replacement

5 Easy Benefits of Mobile Car Battery Replacement

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Mobile Car Battery Replacement Did you know that the average car battery lasts just four years? If your battery dies or isn't holding its charge properly, you're either going to need a jump start or a battery replacement. If your car won't…
Battery installed near the V8 motor in SUV

Car Battery Died? Here’s What To Do Next

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There are few things more frustrating than getting stranded on the side of the road because your car battery died. It can also be a bit frightening depending on where you are and what time of day it is. If this happens to you, we've got you…
how long does it take to change a flat tire

How Long Does It Take to Change a Flat Tire?

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Do you know how to change a flat tire? During a pitstop, a NASCAR pit crew can replace all 4 tires and fill the gas tank of a car in under 15 seconds. Of course, they use highly specialized tools and experienced personnel in order to…
chipped windshield repair

Windshield Repair: Should You Fix a Chipped Windshield?

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Chipped Windshield? When you're driving on the open road, you're probably aware of what could go wrong. A flat tire might leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere or you might run out of gas with the nearest gas station miles away. These…
emergency fuel delivery

What to Do If You Run Out of Gas and Need Emergency Fuel Delivery

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Is one of your biggest fears that you’ll be driving down the road and run out of gas? Do you know what to do if that situation should arise? While it can be scary to run out of gas, it isn’t the end of the world. It’s possible to get emergency…
Car flat tire on road

Why Driving on a Flat Tire Is a Really Bad Idea

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FLAT TIRE FIX There's a slight heart spike every time your tire pressure light turns on. Some of us have seen that light and ignored it because we were late for work or didn't feel like stopping for air. While sometimes it's only a slight…
jump start

Your Guide on How to Jump Start a Car

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Do you drive a car every day? If so, you're definitely not alone. In fact, cars are the primary source of transportation for getting around in the world. That's why a dead battery can be a major issue. When your battery is dead, you might…