Southwest Driver's Battery Survival Guide

Southwest Driver’s Battery Survival Guide

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In the vast and picturesque landscapes of the Southwest, where the sun blazes down onto the southwest cities of Phoenix Metro, Tucson, and Albuquerque, driving can be as much about adventure as it is about work. The relentless summer heat not…
Battery Trouble

Your Ultimate Guide to Emergency Roadside Assistance Services

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April is National Car Care Month, a perfect time to focus on the essentials of vehicle maintenance and the benefits of having reliable roadside assistance. At Dugger's Road Rescue, we're dedicated to providing top-notch emergency services in…
Guide to roadside assistance

Your Guide to Understanding Roadside Assistance Services

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Road Rescue Guide Roadside assistance is a vital service for drivers everywhere. It offers peace of mind and security, knowing that professional help is just a call away in case of a roadside assistance emergency. But what exactly do these…
Road Rescue - Car Battery Delivery

Why Choose Mobile Car Battery Replacement with Road Rescue

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Emergency Roadside Services When you're on the road, the last thing you want is for your car battery to die. At Road Rescue, we understand the panic that sets in when your car won’t start because of a dying battery. That’s why we offer…
Car Won't Start

4 Common Reasons Your Car Won’t Start and Troubleshooting Tips

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One in three drivers on American roads will suffer a breakdown this year. That equated to 69 million drivers needing to call for some roadside assistance.  Many of these calls are made when a car won't start. This issue is usually caused by…
emergency roadside assistance2016

Tips: Stay Safe as You Wait for Emergency Roadside Assistance

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Emergency Roadside Assistance We try to avoid it, but over 95 percent of drivers experience a roadside breakdown, according to car insurance companies. A dead battery or mis-fueling are two leading causes. Help is a mobile phone call away,…
Flat tire - Can you put on a spare?

How To Safely Drive on a Spare Tire

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Spare Tire Did you know that 60% of people claim that they can't change a flat tire? Like it or not, we're all bound to have that unlucky day when we have to switch out a flat for a spare.  Whether you belong inside or outside that…
Mobile Car Battery Replacement

5 Easy Benefits of Mobile Car Battery Replacement

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Mobile Car Battery Replacement Did you know that the average car battery lasts just four years? If your battery dies or isn't holding its charge properly, you're either going to need a jump start or a battery replacement. If your car won't…

We Are Here to provide your Essential Services

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Delivering Essential Services, just like we do everyday. Your automobile still needs to start and if you have a dead battery, you can call Dugger's Emergency Road Service. Battery, Flat Tire, Emergency Fuel Delivery. We offer "hands free" service…
Dead battery - excessive heat

Excessive Heat Advisory

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A DEAD BATTERY? Dead Battery? Could be. There is an excessive heat advisory in effect for southern Arizona. Phoenix hit 114º today and Tucson, AZ is 111º today. Take precautions if traveling outside or on the road today. Excessive heat…