Southwest Driver's Battery Survival Guide

Southwest Driver’s Battery Survival Guide

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In the vast and picturesque landscapes of the Southwest, where the sun blazes down onto the southwest cities of Phoenix Metro, Tucson, and Albuquerque, driving can be as much about adventure as it is about work. The relentless summer heat not…
Battery Trouble

Your Ultimate Guide to Emergency Roadside Assistance Services

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April is National Car Care Month, a perfect time to focus on the essentials of vehicle maintenance and the benefits of having reliable roadside assistance. At Dugger's Road Rescue, we're dedicated to providing top-notch emergency services in…
Guide to roadside assistance

Your Guide to Understanding Roadside Assistance Services

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Road Rescue Guide Roadside assistance is a vital service for drivers everywhere. It offers peace of mind and security, knowing that professional help is just a call away in case of a roadside assistance emergency. But what exactly do these…
Road Rescue - Car Battery Delivery

Why Choose Mobile Car Battery Replacement with Road Rescue

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Emergency Roadside Services When you're on the road, the last thing you want is for your car battery to die. At Road Rescue, we understand the panic that sets in when your car won’t start because of a dying battery. That’s why we offer…
Dugger's Car Battery Service is a phone call away

Winter Woes: How Dugger’s Can Help with Battery Breakdowns

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Car Battery Troubles As the winter months roll in, we are well aware that this season can be quite challenging for your car batteries. This time of year is notorious for causing battery breakdowns. You know the scenario all too well - you're…

Do I have a flat tire?

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A car tire should give you at least 70,000 miles of safe driving. This is assuming you don’t run over any nails or otherwise damage your tires. But what happens when one of your tires unexpectedly goes flat? There are many car maintenance…
Fuel Delivery Service

How Far Can You Drive With Your Gas Light On?

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Did you know that almost one million people run out of gas every year? Pay attention to when that gas light comes on so you don't end up being one of them! Driving with your gas light on can be pretty risky for you and your vehicle. Read…
Fuel Delivery Service

Help Is on the Way: A Guide to Emergency Fuel Delivery Service

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Emergency Fuel Delivery Service What a beautiful day for a drive! The sun is shining, the windows are down, and the gas tank is empty. Uh-oh. If you were stranded by the roadside, what would you do? Phone a friend 100 miles away Start…
Car Won't Start - Not the battery

What’s Going On? My Car Won’t Start, but the Battery Is Still Good

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Car Won't Start - Battery Is Fine There's nothing worse than car trouble. This is especially true when your car won't start. The next time you get in your car on a cold morning and discover that it won't start, the problem could be any…
Car Won't Start

4 Common Reasons Your Car Won’t Start and Troubleshooting Tips

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One in three drivers on American roads will suffer a breakdown this year. That equated to 69 million drivers needing to call for some roadside assistance.  Many of these calls are made when a car won't start. This issue is usually caused by…